Bring On Squash Season! Winter Squash 101

Choosing and Storing Winter Squash

When selecting fall and winter squash, choose firm squash with no soft spots. A ripe squash will have a tan, dry stem and matte exterior. Store winter squash in a dry, cool spot (but not the refrigerator) and use within a month or so.

Types of Winter Squash

What you may not know about winter squash is it's actually harvested in the summertime. It gets its name based on how long it will keep. Winter squash have tough exteriors, helping them to last well into the winter months even without refrigeration.

1. Acorn Squash

As you might expect, the shape of this popular winter squash resembles an enormous acorn. It has orange flesh and a ribbed skin that's green fading to orange. It is often prepared simply: sliced in half, baked with a little butter or olive oil, and eaten straight from its bowl-like shell. You can also grill and steam acorn squash, and makes for a beautiful presentation when stuffed!

2. Butternut Squash

Pale yellow (almost cream colored) on the outside with somewhat sweet, orange flesh, butternut are a large winter squash with smooth but thick skin. Popular ways to prepare butternut squash include baking, simmering, and steaming. Delicious mixed with pastas and risotto, and of course a staple for delicious soup!

3. Hubbard Squash

A popular squash for boiling and mashing or puréeing, hubbard squash are very big with a thick shell that's bumpy and ranges in color from bright orange to deep green. The yellow-orange flesh can be a bit grainy. Hubbard squash are rich in vitamin A and also have solid amounts of iron and riboflavin.

4. Kabocha Squash

Not to be confused with acorn squash, kabocha squash is a sweet Japanese squash with a dense flesh. It's well suited for mashing, baked goods, and soups.

5. Red Kuri Squash

You may also find this tear drop-shaped pumpkin labeled as "orange Hokkaido pumpkin." Its rich orange skin can be eaten after cooking, and its smooth yellow interior has been described as having a chestnut flavor. Try stuffing it much like you would sweet dumpling or acorn squash.

6. Delicata Squash

Thin and pale yellow with telltale green striping, delicata squash have a tasty yellow flesh that is typically prepared by baking, frying, grilling or steaming, and does not need to be peeled! Also called "sweet potato squash," they are rich in potassium, iron, and vitamins A and C. Look for them from late summer through the fall.

7. Carnival Squash

This stunning squash gets its name for its colorful rind — it's actually a cross between acorn and sweet dumpling squash. Use the sweet flesh the same way you would those squash types.

8. Buttercup Squash

Similar in appearance to kabocha, buttercup squash has a squatty shape, a green rind, and an orange flesh. Try roasting it, baking it, mashing it, or stuffing it.

9. Sugar Pumpkin

When you think fall, sugar pumpkins immediately come to mind. While you can use them for decoration, they're also fabulous in pies, breads, muffins, cupcakes, soups, and so much more. Perfect to add cubed in curries!

Easy Ways To Cook Winter Squash

If you've never handled one of those thick-skinned winter squashes before, the idea of actually cooking with it can be a little intimidating, but it is quite simple, and so worth it this time of year!

How to Bake Winter Squash

1. Cut smaller squash (like acorn squash) in half; scoop out the seeds.

2. Place face down (skin side up) in a baking dish filled with about a half inch of water.

3. Bake in a preheated 375 degrees F oven for about 30-45 minutes, or until easily pierced with a fork.

4. Scoop out flesh and mix with butter or extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Flavor with your favorite seasonings or add a little maple syrup for a touch of sweetness.

While a little more time consuming, squash like Butternut can be cubed and coated with a little olive oil and seasonings and baked on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet at 375 degrees until tender.

How to Roast Winter Squash

1. Cut in half and remove pulp and seeds. Place the squash halves, cut-side up, on a rimmed baking sheet. Rub the flesh with softened butter or olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with honey, maple syrup, or orange juice.

2. Flip the squash over and roast them for 40 to 45 minutes in a preheated 400 degrees F oven.

3. Roast the squash until the skin is blistered, browned, and the flesh is tender. Insert a fork or knife under the skin to test that the flesh is tender. When the squash has cooled the skin should peel off easily.

Roasting squash helps to maintain squash's delicate flavor. Once roasted and cooled, there are a many ways to use it in recipes. One option is to mash the squash and use it in any recipe calling for squash purée.

Roasted squash freezes extremely well and reheats easily. Don't be afraid to roast several squash at once and freeze it for use during the holidays; it'll cut down on some of the cooking crunch.

How to Boil Winter Squash

1. Cut the squash in half and remove pulp and seeds. Peel and cut the squash into chunks.

2. Place in a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook until the squash is tender.

3. Let the chunks cool, then scoop out the flesh and purée in a food processor or mash it.

4. Season to taste.

5. To use the purée in pies, pass it through a strainer or sieve to remove any fibers or chunks.

Peggy Van Cleef