Hydration Is Vital: Drink More Water And Consume Hyaluronic Acid!

When speaking of hydration, we typically think about quenching our thirst. But full-body hydration means so much more—including supporting your critical physical structures and organs that require plentiful hydration to function at their best. Your joints, eyes, skin, hair, scalp, and gums all require sufficient levels of moisture to do their jobs properly.

Depending on your activity, and other environmental or physical conditions that may cause you to lose water, the average male requires about four liters of water per day. The average woman needs about three…and that’s the minimum.

Let’s take a look at the impact a tiny molecule called Hyaluronic Acid (HA), and it’s ability to actually help retain your body’s hydration levels.

Your Brain

Ever wonder why a headache is one of the telltale signs of dehydration? For good reason. We know that water makes up roughly 70% of the human body. But let’s go a little deeper. Within that percentage, your brain is about 80% water! As the command center for the rest of your body, it can be surprising that something so simple as hydrating can increase blood flow and oxygen to this critical, powerhouse organ. That hydration leads to an array of improved cognitive functions such as concentration, mood, emotions and even memory.

Said simply, hydration may equal better focus and attitude, and Hyaluronic Acid may help ensure the hydration to your brain.

Your Joints

Your joints are made up of cartilage, which is about 60% water. Cartilage acts as a protective layer that reduces friction and wear between bones. Synovial fluid is the substance which lubricates this cartilage. It is helped to be produced in your body by proper water intake. Not surprisingly, dehydration decreases water content in cartilage, which can resulting in friction in the joints.

But there’s good news for those who struggle with joint discomfort after normal daily exercise and activity. Synovial fluid is made of Hyaluronic Acid, as well as lubricin, proteinases, and collagenases.

Hyaluronic acid is synthesized by the synovial membrane and secreted into your joint cavity to increase the viscosity and elasticity of your cartilage. It also lubricates the surfaces between synovium and cartilage. Combining Hyaluronic Acid, like that found in Hyalogic®’s Synthovial Seven, with appropriate daily water consumption, may support your joint health and body system.

As we get older, our body’s natural ability to produce Hyaluronic Acid diminishes. Many athletes and adults over 45 often attempt to choose a proven Hyaluronic Acid joint support supplement to provide additional maintenance and support to their cartilage and joints.

Possible Weight Loss and Detox

Think of water as your natural, self-cleaning system. Staying well hydrated aids in transporting waste in and out of your cells, which enable the waste-eliminating organs, like your liver and kidneys, to flush these toxins from your body, and Hyaluronic Acid may help hold that water to aid your body’s cleansing function.

On a similar note, drinking water may also help you lose weight! Very simply, water may help kick cravings and suppress your appetite by helping you feel fuller when hunger hits. And as backwards as it may seem, dehydration causes your body to hold onto water…in all the wrong places. That’s why a healthy water intake can help keep bloating and water retention at bay—and for zero calories to boot, it’s a feel-good health food – anytime, anywhere.

Your Skin

The skin is the largest organ of your body and made up of cells. Guess what is a large component of these cells? You guessed it—water! This supports our previous point that hydration promotes health skin structure and youthful appearance.  Lack of hydration can eventually result in early signs of aging.

Hyaluronic acid can not only be consumed in liquid form, but it also a highly moisturizing additive in Hyaluronic Acid hand and body lotion, as well as serums and facial sprays.

How Hyalogic® Can Help

Water-loving Hyaluronic Acid seeks out and binds to water. It can actually hold up to a mind-blowing 1,000 times its weight in water. As it binds, it generates a gelatinous substance which serves as a hydrating lubricant for joints, eyes, organs, skin and other areas.

Since most of us do not consume enough water every day, our body’s ability to generate Hyaluronic Acid is diminished, especially as we age, and that’s the time when our eyes, organs, joints and skin need it more than ever. All of Hyalogic® products are 25% OFF this month at Love Whole Foods! Here are some facts that make this brand special:

Hyalogic® products go through an extensive 5-step Hyalock™ process to ensure a high quality product-

  1. Ingredient Compatibility Testing

  2. Preservative Compatibility Testing

  3. Product Quality Control Testing

  4. Finished Product Analysis

  5. Using Non-Animal Derived, Vegan-Friendly Hyaluronic Acid

Ben Cobb