Sell By/Use By Dates: What Do They Really Mean?

There is no standardized system for food dating in this country.  Approximately 40 states require dates on some perishable foods, like meat and dairy, so you're likely to see your groceries labeled. What you may not know is that most products are safe to consume past the date on the label, according to the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), and would drastically reduce the amount of food waste going on in this country.

The FSIS recommends that regardless of the date, consumers should evaluate the quality of the food before deciding to eat it or throw it away. (use your common sense) There is one exception according to Federal law however, that requires a date on all infant formulas for safety and it should always be followed. So, what exactly do expiration dates mean then, and how long is food really good for?

1.       How to Read Expiration Dates

Best If Used By/Before: This is a quality assurance date and serves as a "suggestion" for when the taste and quality of food are at their peak. It is not a purchase or safety date.

Use By: This is the suggested date by when you should eat the food. Just because it's a day or two past the use-by date doesn't mean that consuming it will make you sick, although you should evaluate the quality of the food yourself after this time. It is not a safety date, except when used on infant formula.

Sell By: This is not a safety date, but rather a date for retailers that helps them determine how long an item should remain on the shelf.

Freeze By: According to the USDA, this date indicates when a product should be frozen to maintain peak quality. It is not a purchase or safety date.

2.       How Long Are Foods Good After the Expiration Date?

With an exception of infant formula, if the date on the package passes during home storage, a product should still be safe and wholesome if handled properly until the time spoilage is evident, according to FSIS. Again, use your common sense. You can usually tell if a food is spoiled if it has an off odor, flavor, or texture.

3.       How Long Does Canned Food Last?

According to the USDA, high-acid canned goods, like tomatoes and citrus fruits, will keep for up to 1.5 years. Low-acid canned goods, which pretty much includes everything else, including vegetables, meat, and fish, will last for up to 5 years, which makes them some of the top emergency foods to stockpile.

Canned foods are sterile, so they won't host bacteria, but eventually, the taste and texture of the items inside will deteriorate over time. Keep them at room temperature in a dark place (as you would with oils and spices), like a cabinet or a pantry, and avoid buying bulging, rusted, leaking, or deeply dented cans as they have a higher chance of being spoiled.

4.       How Long Does Frozen Food Last?

Items from the freezer section are safe to eat indefinitely. They have expiration dates because they won't taste good forever; flavor and texture break down over time. (freezer burn) Once you open a bag of frozen peas or corn, pour out a portion rather than reaching in with your hand, which can introduce bacteria. (Bacteria can't grow in the freezer, but they can survive. If you don't cook an item after you defrost it, the bacteria could still be dangerous.)

5.       How Long Do Leftovers Last?

Have a giant pot of chili that would feed a team of football players? Invite them over. According to the USDA, most refrigerated leftovers last 4 days, tops. Dishes that contain seafood or uncooked ingredients, like mayonnaise, spoil faster; so be sure to eat them within a couple of days. Don't let uneaten food linger on the counter for more than 2 hours. The longer a dish sits at room temperature, the more susceptible it is to bacteria growth. It's fine to put warm food in the refrigerator or freezer. When handling a dish that will take many hours to cool fully, a huge stockpot full of stew, for example, transfer it to several smaller containers first.

Meanwhile, leftover meals you freeze yourself should be tossed in 3 to 4 months. After that, they can become icy and start to take on the flavors of other foods in the freezer.

Generally speaking, it is safe to buy food on its expiration date. Expiration dates have more to do with the food's overall quality and texture instead of when it is safe or not safe to eat. As long as there are no signs of spoilage, you can eat it, just knowing that it might not taste as fresh as it once was.

Peggy Van Cleef