Spirulina: The Blue-Green Algae Superfood

Spirulina is full of nutrients that are essential to keeping our bodies functioning the way they're supposed to. You can get all of these nutrients from other sources of course, but spirulina, as a one-stop shop for so many of them at once, is the kind of substance the word "superfood" is meant to describe.

1. It's packed with vitamins and minerals.

2. It's a good source of plant-based protein.

Spirulina has been touted as an incredible source of plant-based protein—it's between 55 and 70% protein. Spirulina can be a great addition to a vegan diet considering its B12 content, which may naturally be low in these diets as well.

3. It has antioxidant properties.

In addition to being ridiculously nutrient-rich, spirulina also has powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants combat oxidative stress, which has the potential to damage our cells and even our DNA.

Spirulina's antioxidant properties are attributable to a substance called phycocyanin. In addition to boasting antioxidant properties, phycocyanin is also responsible for giving spirulina its vibrant blue-green color.

Oxidative stress (also known as oxidative damage) can wreak havoc on fatty structures in the body. Because spirulina is such a powerful antioxidant, it can help to prevent LDL (low-density lipoprotein—the "bad" cholesterol) from becoming oxidized

4. It can support heart health.

On the subject of LDL, spirulina has also been shown to help maintain healthy levels of the "bad" cholesterol and support levels of the "good" cholesterol (HDL, or high-density lipoprotein). In one study, patients with high cholesterol were given 1 gram of spirulina daily for 12 weeks, to amazing effects—on average, taking the spirulina benefited their triglycerides by 16.3% and their LDL by 10.1%. While 1 gram of spirulina might help maintain healthy levels of LDL cholesterol, higher doses have been shown to bring additional benefits, like healthy blood pressure.

Researchers believe these benefits are thanks to spirulina's positive impact on the body's production of nitric oxide, which helps blood vessels relax and dilate, thereby allowing blood to flow more quickly and easily.

5. Promotes blood sugar balance.

Animal studies have shown a beneficial effect of spirulina on blood sugar balance.  One small human study of 25 patients with type 2 diabetes found that 2 grams of spirulina daily positively affected blood sugar levels. More research is needed to confirm these results, but the science is promising.

6. Helps reduce allergy symptoms.

Spirulina's benefits can also extend to seasonal allergy sufferers. Studies have shown that spirulina supplementation can slow the production of cytokines, which play a role in the immune response and inflammatory process. In a study of 127 people suffering from allergic rhinitis, supplementing with 2 grams of spirulina a day helped reduce common rhinitis symptoms, like nasal congestion and sneezing.

7. It might enhance muscle strength.

Spirulina has also been studied in elderly patients for its ability to enhance endurance and muscle strength. This benefit is also possible among younger people and athletes, although more research is needed for a conclusive answer.

Where does spirulina come from?

Like any "super" thing, spirulina is incredibly strong and resilient; it can grow in extreme conditions that are inhospitable to many other water-dwelling organisms. Generally, however, it's grown in man-made or natural lakes. Once it's collected, it's freeze- or sun-dried.

Overall, spirulina definitely earns its reputation as a superfood, and any way you decide to take it has the potential to help support your health across the board.

At Love’s you can purchase organic spirulina powder in our bulk section, as well as in pill form in our supplement departments.

*article adapted from Mind Body Green and medically reviewed by Heather Moday, M.D.

Peggy Van Cleef